I almost forgot about the referral traffic from Google Images until a few days ago when I checked the traffic stats of my new blog. The visits from Google Images account for nearly 10% of that blog and it is currently the best referral source as well. Then, I came back to check if my pictures have got indexed on Google Images yet by typing site:fun2for.blogspot.com on Google Images search bar. Amazingly, none of the pictures were indexed. My blog is 2 year old and there is no way Google considered it as a new blog. So, what was my mistake then?
Used Some Tips And Solve The Problem
Used Some Tips And Solve The Problem
- All pictures should be hosted on your own server.
- Make sure your robots.txt file is not restricting Googlebot-Image from crawling pictures on your website.
- Go To Blogger Settings and click search preferences and Disabled Custom robots.txt.
- Now Click To Setting - Other Site feed
- Allow Blog Feed Full
- Post Feed Redirect URL ( Remove )
- Post Feed Footer ( Remove )
- You Don't Used space In To Images Name ( EXP : Nice Pic ) It's wrong . Your Pic Name ( EXP: Nice-pic )
- Resubmit Sitemap And 24 Hours Your all Images Is Index .